RaiseMe Transfer
Penn State is a proud partner of the RaiseMe scholarship. Students who enroll in a Pennsylvania community college have the opportunity to earn micro-scholarships that will be converted to a Penn State scholarship. Students can earn these scholarships by:
- getting good grades
- participating in co-curricular activities
- volunteering in their community
- and more!
To learn more, visit http://raisemetransfer.svztur.com/.
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
PTK Scholarships are available to students who have been members of Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society of the Two-Year College. To be eligible, students must:
- Have an Associate Degree
- Minimum 3.5 GPA (calculated by Penn State Admissions).
- Enroll in 6 or more credits
- Be a first time Bachelor’s Degree-seeking student
PTK Scholarships are renewed for Penn State students maintaining a 3.3 GPA.
To be considered for the PTK Scholarship, provide a photocopy of your PTK membership certificate to the Penn State Abington Admissions Office.
Penn State waives the application fee for:
Applicants who are members of PTK
Completing the PSU Dual Admissions form
Contact Penn State Abington Admissions prior to submitting online application